

For training to be a strategic tool in an organization, relevant content must be delivered effectively. This often requires tapping the talents of Content Experts who have mastery of the knowledge and skills, but have not been prepared for the competencies training demands: particularly, organizing, simplifying content, and presenting this in an engaging manner. Without these skills, potentially valuable content is not imparted to the learners as desired, minimizing the transfer of learning and return on training investment.

The Train-the-Trainers program provides the skills set that enables you to sharpen your training and development skills through a hands-on, experience-based learning approach. Strengthen your practice and learn about the elements of a successful training program that will enable you to organize effective learning activities for your target audience.

Learning Objective:

Given an assigned topic, participants will be able to conduct a sample training session following the training delivery steps.

To enable this, the learners will be able to:

  • Distinguish between the roles of a subject-matter-expert and a trainer
  • Identify the guiding principles in adult learning
  • Describe how various learning styles affect training delivery
  • Distinguish when to use lecture, demo, and facilitation
  • Identify approaches to make training more focused and engaging using lecture, demonstration, or facilitation
  • Develop a session plan integrating the elements of effective training delivery
  • Conduct interactive sessions aligned with adult learning principles

Key Topics:

  • Challenges of a Trainer: Going beyond content expertise
  • Understanding Adult Learners
  • Planning our Session using Instructional Design Principles:

– Benefit for the learners
– Session Structure
– Execution Strategy

  • Training Delivery Steps for Interactive Learning
  • Basic Facilitation Techniques
  • Training Deportment
  • Addressing Common Dilemmas in Training


Is the Train-the-Trainers program right for you?

  • I am a Subject Matter Expert now tasked to train others in my field of expertise
  • I am an experienced trainer who would like to refresh my training skills set with new interactive approaches
  • I am a lecturer who would like to integrate facilitation in my approach
  • I am a new trainer/would like to know more about training


July 29-31, 2014, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
AIM Conference Centre


P 18,750.00 (+12% VAT)