Consulting Services

Discover what Learning & Performance Partners, Inc. can do for your company. We offer a range of services for your training needs.

Needs Assessment and Training Needs Analysis
We assist companies in identifying the causes of their employees’ performance issues and isolate gaps that can be treated by training. Those that can be addressed by training are analyzed further to determine the required depth and scope of the learning program.

Instructional Design and Curriculum Development
LPPI has helped numerous companies in developing learning programs that are aligned with the desired performance objectives. Seasoned trainers/speakers also avail of this service to streamline their content yet meet their audience’s needs. In developing the design, we take into consideration the client’s environment, its business, available technologies, and resources.

We have also partnered with clients in setting up their own Learning Academy or Corporate University, which involves a more strategic and structured approach to designing learning programs.

Training Delivery and Facilitation
We conduct training programs in Instructional Design, Strategic Human Resources, Organization Development, Human Performance Technology and Learning Methodologies that are customized to suit our clients’ objectives. We also facilitate strategic planning sessions, discussions, and similar activities. (See Our Training Programs)

Coaching for Subject Matter Experts-Instructors
LPPI focuses on coaching Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)-turned-trainers and present trainers who wish to improve their skills in facilitating training programs. We guide them on how to impart their knowledge to the learners in a simple, engaging and highly effective manner.

Training Evaluation
We assess training programs based on the objectives set by the organization. The results can be used for their continuous improvement or to determine their overall effectiveness.

Development of Customized Courseware
We assist Subject Matter Experts in converting their knowledge into objective-focused training programs. We also help them create with slides, handouts, and assessment materials.

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